26 September 2023
Today, five power-generating boilers are operating in the power complex (NIGRES). The most powerful of them, the 7th boiler with a capacity of 420 tons per hour, has been in operation at the Mill’s workstation since 1985. The operation of the entire workstation, as well as the supply of electricity and heat not only to the Mill but also to Balakhna town, depends on its trouble-free operation.
Understanding the importance of this facility, the Volga's management decided to organize the replacement of the 1st
and 4th stage superheaters on the 7th boiler as part of the overhaul. This work is rather untypical and requires additional resources. Therefore, seven contractor organizations are working at the boiler.
Sergey Savelyev, the Deputy Head of Heat Engineering Service of EC (NIGRES), told about the repair process of the 7th
"The entire dismantling and installation work is divided into five stages. Now the 3rd stage of dismantling work is finishing and we are starting the installation stage. The greatest complexity of the work arose with the 1st stage of the superheater. The thing is that only two end blocks are changed in it, i.e. a new part is attached to the main part: this work requires certain qualification and skills of employees".
Yan Drazhetsky, the Head of Automation and Control Service, answered questions about the areas of responsibility of his service at the boiler repair area.
"During the repair process of the 7th boiler it was decided to replace the boiler control system for safe ignition. The new system will remove employees from hazardous areas, simplify and speed up equipment start-up. In addition, the thermal control systems will be updated," - Yan Drazhetsky shared the innovations in the automatic process control system of the 7th boiler.
"All work takes place under constant control of the station personnel. Daily interaction with contractors, solving technical issues, quality control of these works, compliance with labour safety rules. Work of this volume has never been performed at the station before. This is our first experience, and we are confident that it will be positive," summarized Robert Khazeev, JSC Volga NiGRES Technical Director and Chief Engineer of the Power Complex.
JSC Volga Press Service