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The shutdown was a success

11 July 2024

The shutdown was a success


From June 13 to June 16, 2024, Volga JSC suspended operations to perform annual scheduled preventive maintenance (SPM). All Volga JSC experts, as well as contractors, were involved in the maintenance.

In the course of the SPM, a large range of work on the repair and upgrade of the equipment in a variety of departments is performed in a short time to ensure further smooth and uninterrupted production throughout the next year.

On paper-making machine No. 8, components of the heat exchanger of the heat recovery system, shafts of the wet and forming units were replaced, and the head box was inspected.

On paper-making machine No. 5, all scheduled activities were completed in full; repair and upgrading operations were also performed on the slitting-and-rewinding machine, where a new roll drive was mounted, new stops were mounted on the machine backfall, which made the work of operators safer and more comfortable.

“Thanks to the efforts of our experts, at the maintenance work planning and implementation stage, PMM5 was launched 22 hours ahead of schedule. To increase the efficiency of the paper-making machine, audits of the wet and drying units (head box, vibration diagnostics of the machine, steam-condensate system of the drying unit) were conducted, which required a long shutdown to perform instrumental gauging,Nikolai Skvortsov, Production Director of Volga JSC commented.

The most important work for the continuous operation of the workshop has been completed in the TMP workshop – the refiner units have been replaced. Refiners are the major equipment for chip disintegration into a high-quality pulp, without which we will not be able to produce thermomechanical pulp. At the TMP-180 site, the priority work was the re-cladding of one of the pools.

To implement the project on reorienting paper-making machine No. 6. for the manufacture of package papers, a number of activities were carried out. Firstly, we prepared sites for the installation of the machine new pumping system. Secondly, changes were made to process flows for piping and incorporating PMM6 equipment into the current technology.

The steam-turbine shop was shutdown for 10 days. Shop workers conducted an inspection, troubleshooting and repair of components that can only be accessed during a long SPM, such as the boiler furnaces, where the cladding was replaced. Everything was done competently, efficiently and on time.

“I would like to notice and thank for the work performed, first of all, the entire work team, whose “golden” hands performed a prodigious amount of work in a short time, chief technicians, shop managers and heads of shop services, as well as business units, experts participating in SPM support,” Production Director Nikolai Skvortsov expressed his gratitude to his colleagues.


Anastasia Bylinina